Basic Navigation

This user guide uses ‘portal’ to refer to the interface across all of the available Oni portals (see Available Portals for more details).

Data and Page Structure
Home Page (Top Menu, Left Panel, Main Panel)
Collection Page
Object Page
File Page

Data and Page Structure

Both the data and the webpages in the portal are structured in a heirarchy: Collections contain Objects and Objects contain Files.

CollectionA group of related Objects. Examples of collections include corpora, and sub-corpora, as well as aggregations of cultural objects such as PARADISEC collections, which bring together items collected in a region or a session with consultants.
ObjectA single resource or a group of tightly related resources that record a communicative event; for example, a dialogue or session in a speech study, a work (document) in a written corpus.
FileA container for data (in the form of bits and bytes). Files can store data in different formats; for example, a single Object could have an audio file as well as a text file containing a transcription of the audio.

Home Page

There are three main sections of the Home Page in the portal: the top menu bar, the left panel and the main panel. Each of these is discussed below.

Home Page: Top Menu, Left Panel and Main Panel sections
Home Page: Top Menu, Left Panel and Main Panel sections
Image Source: LDaCA

Top Menu

Home Page: Top Menu
Home Page: Top Menu
Image Source: LDaCA

The top menu of the home page allows you to access some of the main features of the portal:

  • LDaCA logo: Returns you to the home page from anywhere in the portal.
  • Collections: Filters the results section of the main panel so that only collections are shown (excluding objects, files and notebooks). A search performed while in this view will only search the text in the Name and Description fields at the collection level.
  • Browse: Resets your results to the default settings.
  • Login: Takes you to the CILogon page where you can login to apply for access to collections or view your current access. See Login for more details.
  • Help: Provides more general information about the infrastructure the portal was built with, as well as the Oni API functionalities. It also links back to this user guide for easy reference.

Left Panel

Home Page: Left Panel
Home Page: Left Panel
Image Source: LDaCA

The left panel of the portal home page allows you to refine your data query through the use of a search field and filters. Searching allows you to view records which include specific information, while filtering allows you to view records which share values for metadata categories. Hovering over the information icon /user-guides/portal/information.png next to each filter will display tooltips related to that filter. See Search and Filters for more details on how to use the search and filter functions.

Main Panel

Home Page: Main Panel
Home Page: Main Panel
Image Source: LDaCA

The main panel on the right of the home page allows you to view the top-level descriptions of collections, objects, files and notebooks in the portal. The top row shows the total number of Index entries or items; this total will reduce as you apply filters and search queries. Below this is the option to Reset Search, clearing all (current) filters and searches. The Sort by and Order by dropdown boxes can also be configured; see Sort and Order to learn more about their usage. Below this, there is a row of buttons which allow you to navigate through pages of results, with 10 results appearing on each page.

The results in the main panel contain a set of top-level descriptions:

  • Name: The name of the collection, object, file or notebook.
  • Type: The type of object a record describes, i.e. a collection, object or file.
  • Language: The language(s) of the materials (including PrimaryMaterials, DerivedMaterials and Annotations) in this item.
  • Description: An abstract of the collection, object, file or notebook.
  • Members: The number of items (objects, files, etc.) within the given collection.
  • Member of: The collection that an object, file or notebook is a part of.

Note that top-level descriptions will not appear in cases where they aren’t provided for that item, e.g. usually Description is not present for objects and files, and Member of does not appear for top-level collections.

Item Icons

The icons next to each item show you some important information about that item (Access, Communication Mode and File Format). You can hover over a icon to see more detail.

IconCategoryIcon Tooltip
/user-guides/portal/public.svgAccessYou can access this data immediately. By doing so, you accept the license terms specified on the record.
/user-guides/portal/login.svgAccessYou can access this data after logging in. You may also have to agree to license terms in an automatic process.
/user-guides/portal/loginplus.svgAccessThere are restrictions on access to this data. Log in to get further information.
/user-guides/portal/spokenlanguage.svgCommunication ModeSpokenLanguage
/user-guides/portal/writtenlanguage.svgCommunication ModeWrittenLanguage
/user-guides/portal/signedlanguage.svgCommunication ModeSignedLanguage
/user-guides/portal/file-lines-solid.svgFile Formattext/plain
/user-guides/portal/file-word-solid.svgFile Formatapplication/msword
/user-guides/portal/file-code-solid.svgFile Formatapplication/tei+xml
/user-guides/portal/file-audio-solid.svgFile Formataudio/mpeg
/user-guides/portal/file-video-solid.svgFile Formatapplication/mp4
/user-guides/portal/file-csv-solid.svgFile Formattext/csv
/user-guides/portal/file-pdf-solid.svgFile Formatapplication/pdf

Collection Page

Clicking on one of the collections from the main page results will take you to the Collection page for that item.

Collection Page: Braided Channels Example
Collection Page: Braided Channels Example
Image Source: LDaCA

The main panel of the Collection page lists the main details and metadata associated with the collection. Clicking on the question mark icon /user-guides/portal/question.png or information icon /user-guides/portal/information.png next to each heading will display tooltips related to that item.

Below the main description and metadata is the number of objects present in the collection. The objects are then listed below, with buttons allowing navigation by page if there are more than 10 objects in the collection.

The right panel has the following sections:

  • Access: Defines the license and access conditions for the current collection.
  • Content: Lists some of the main features of the current collection including Language, Linguistic Genre, Communication Mode, File Formats and Data licenses for access.
  • Retrieve Metadata: View or download the metadata associated with the current collection, as well as the license and access conditions for this metadata.
  • Notebooks: Lists any notebooks associated with the current collection.

Object Page

Clicking on one of the objects or files from either the main page results or from a Collection page will take you to the Object page for that item.

Object Page: A Corpus of Oz Early English Example
Object Page: A Corpus of Oz Early English Example
Image Source: LDaCA

The left panel of the Object page lists the main details and metadata associated with the object. Clicking on the question mark icon /user-guides/portal/question.png or information icon /user-guides/portal/information.png next to each heading will display tooltips related to that item.

The right panel has the following sections:

  • Access: Defines the license and access conditions for the current object, together with a click-through link to the full license.
  • Member Of: Lists the collection that the current object is a part of.
  • Other Objects in this Collection: Lists the other objects that are in the same collection as the current object.

The end of the Object page provides details about the files that form part of the current object. In the example above, the object Text 1-028 1791 Convict has two associated files: a plain text version and a text version including metadata codes, the details of which can be viewed using the dropdown arrow to the right of the file name. A preview of the file is available (provided that the access conditions permit this), and there are two options: View File to display the full file in the web browser, and Download File to save a copy of the file to your local system.

File Page

Clicking View File on one of the files in an Object page will take you the File page for that item.

File Page: Braided Channels Example
File Page: Braided Channels Example
Image Source: LDaCA

From this page, you can view the whole file or download it with the option at the end of the page.